Let’s Get Stuff Done
Is there something on your mind that you’ve been trying to make happen for a while?
That thing that you want to do, or think that you should do, but something always seems to get in the way of making it happen?
Maybe it’s switching to a job that invests in you as much as you invest in it, with the professional growth and financial compensation that goes with it.
Maybe it’s creating and sticking to a healthy routine.
Maybe it’s taking a break from your career to do what you’re feeling called to do.
Maybe it’s following a health plan that you know has its benefits, but it just feels like so. much. work.
Maybe it’s setting some boundaries.
Or maybe it’s giving a second chance in a way that honors you.
Maybe it’s a move away.
Or maybe it’s allowing yourself to really move in.
Change is hard.
I know that change is hard, that doing something different feels risky. It also takes a lot of energy to activate and move forward, especially when the task is so daunting. And these days, who’s really got extra energy to spare on something that isn’t going to make a difference?
I can help you make the changes you want to see in your life.
In my work as a therapist, I’ve helped numerous clients with diverse backgrounds (including many BIPOC and AAPI women), activate positive behaviors and create healthy patterns in their lives. During our work together, many of my clients have found new jobs that honored their passion and expertise, stuck to their health goals, clarified what’s important to them and created a space in their life to honor it, and did things they’ve been trying to do for a while.
I understand motivation, the importance of setting clear goals that make sense to you, and how to break a big task into bite-sized pieces. I’m also all about cultivating self-compassion, operating from a place that if you’ve been having a hard time getting things done or making a change, it’s because the task looks so intimidating it’s already been categorized in your brain as a lost cause or there are barriers getting in the way that need to be addressed and NOT because there’s something wrong with you or that you don’t have what it takes. And let me tell you, self-compassion is a much more effective motivator than self-criticism!
You can move forward.
So, from a place of compassion, let’s figure out together what you really want (not just what you think you should do or should want) and break that down into more manageable pieces, address the barriers, take steps forward, celebrate the micro-triumphs, and get stuff done.